Bio Plus

Bio-Plus 3-3-3+MgO+TE+Humic and Fulvic Acid
Fully matured compost that is odourless and safe to use (no harmful microbes)
Suitable for all type of plants and soil conditions, increases crop yield, remediates and improves soil structure
Nitrogen (N)
A major component of all proteins (including all enzymes), amino acids, nucleic acids and chlorophyll. It is most important during the vegetative stage to encourage growth.
Phosphorus (P)
An essential element for plant growth and is particularly important for root growth during the establishment and early growth stage, increases the number of fronds, gives strength to trunk and prevents lodging.
Potassium (K)
Potassium helps to improve bunch size, bunch number, tolerant to water stress, and is an important factor in disease resistance.
Magnesium (Mg)
Essential or chlorophyll formation, It is also important in phosphate metabolism, activation of enzymes and promote formation of oil and fats.
Humic Acid & Fulvic
It is used to increase Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of the soil and minimize leaching of nutrients from the root zones. It can be used as soil amendment to increase soil pH and to provide organic matter to the soil. It increases microbial activity in the soil and enhances nutrient uptake.
Organic matter (OM)
It helps to boost both nutrient efficiency and organic matter content in the soil, reduces the impact of chemical residues and minimizing leaching, enhance the biological activity and biodiversity of soils.
Advantage Microbes (AM)
Helps to get high yield of crop by making the soil rich with nutrient and useful vitamin and mineral necessary for the growth of plant. It is a good in prevent plant disease by dominant the soil with Advantage microbes.
Advantage of Bio-Plus fertilizer
Best of nutrient absorption efficiency for oil palm!
Best for response for drought stress!
Best for sustainable cropping!
Best nutrition for higher yield with better fruit!